Enabling Clean Propulsion Through Engine Innovation

“The report of my death has been grossly exaggerated” – The Internal Combustion Engine


In today’s automotive industry you have to overcome challenges with your propulsion strategy. Stanadyne specializes in pioneering best-in-class vehicle and powertrain pumping, injection, air and fluid management, and control systems. Our products help to improve combustion propulsion power, efficiently, and emissions to support green mobility strategies with best-in-class product reliability. Our people are committed to an exceptional & flexible customer experience. We are your partners on the road ahead.


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Pumps in production
locations working with customers all over the globe
years of developing technology to solve problems
We know that finding an automotive supplier that is actively innovating and improving the ICE engine competent is hard. At the heart of our approach to creating the next generation of fuel system technology is precision design, unprecedented performance, and the flexibility to meet the needs of any engine.

Engineering Capabilities

Sub-Micron Machining
Nanometer Metrology
Fuel Analysis
Debris Characterization
Advanced Manufacturing
Low Volume Production

Our History

Over 70 years ago, Standard Screw introduces the Roosa Master Injection Pump, the world's first Diesel Rotary Pump. Over 70 years ago, Standard Screw introduces the Roosa Master Injection Pump, the world's first Diesel Rotary Pump.

Ready to get started?