Environmental Sustainability Commitment

We are committed to protecting the environment and to providing environmentally safe workplaces.

Environmental Sustainability

Stanadyne strives to demonstrate its environmental sustainability commitment to improving the environment and the communities in which we live, work, and serve.

Our approach to environmental sustainability is on a global scale. We work every day to not only reduce the impact of our company, but to reduce the impact of emissions from internal combustion engines by engineering products that help enable clean propulsion through engine innovation.

Concern for the health and sustainability of our environment is more than just a moral question, it’s an imperative that we take seriously. We’re proud to be a part of the global effort to reduce emissions and take steps every day to build the new standard for responsible propulsion.


Environmental Policy

The company is committed to protecting the environment and to providing environmentally safe workplaces. Compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and customer contractual requirements is a minimum standard and is a shared responsibility of all Stanadyne employees.

Stanadyne is committed to following:
⦁ Conserving resources and promoting environmental protection by reusing and recycling materials;
⦁ Preventing pollution by using materials and techniques which minimize adverse impacts on the environment, and which minimize the generation of waste materials; and,
⦁ Improving our Environmental Management System with environmental objectives and targets set and reviewed annually.

Senior management has the primary responsibility for ensuring the implementation of this policy, allocating resources, and establishing and supporting appropriate programs.


Stanadyne Sustainability

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