Gasoline Products

Gasoline Direct Injection Products

Leading the industry in high-performance gasoline direct injection fuel pumps.

Stanadyne specializes in the design and manufacture of high pressure direct injection fuel pumps, providing vehicle manufacturers with customized best-in-class solutions for homogeneous and stratified direct injection engines.

Stanadyne understands that building next-generation engines requires more than a one-size-fits-all fuel system. Our flexible approach offers right-sized solutions that are flex-fuel capable and play an important role in meeting stringent engine emissions standards and fuel efficiency requirements.

At Stanadyne, we work with automakers all over the world to solve the toughest fuel system challenges and meet the increasing expectations of the marketplace. From passenger car and recreational vehicles to the most elite racing series engines, our groundbreaking demand control strategies, reduced drive torque and proprietary technology deliver advantages in performance, efficiency and noise reduction.

Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Platforms

SP550-350 Gasoline Direct Injection PumpSP550-350
Meet the world’s smallest high-pressure gasoline direct injection pump. Specially designed for small engines with unrivaled packaging flexibility for easy integration, patented zero-impact control valve technology for quiet operation and reliable performance for clean and economical engines, the SP550-350 offers a best-in-class component approach to gasoline direct injection systems.
For the most demanding applications, Stanadyne’s single-pump SP850-300R solution dominates dual-pump direct injection strategies to meet the intense performance requirements of the most elite racing series engines. With the winning combination of Stanadyne patented technology and precision engineering expertise, this pump offers a championship-winning competitive edge.
SP1000-350 - Gasoline Direct Injection PumpSP1000-350
Introducing the heart of tomorrow’s gasoline engines, combining our latest advancements in QuietTech™ technology, low-mass packaging and unprecedented efficiency, the 350 Bar capable SP1000-350 is designed for the future. Stanadyne’s patented technology offers manufacturers a best-in-class approach to meet the tighter particulate emissions requirements of next generation applications.
Gasoline Direct Injection SP1250-200SP1250-200
Leveraging our expertise in high pressure direct injection pump design and precision engineering, we crafted the SP1250-200 to set the technical standard for flexible packaging, lightweight design and quiet operation. Alongside high-volume output at 200 Bar and unsurpassed engine start times, the SP1250-200 delivers unprecedented performance with an efficient, fuel saving design.
GDI SP1550-200SP1550-200
Stanadyne’s SP1550-200 offers the greatest flow output at 200 Bar of our high pressure direct injection pumps. Designed for unmatched reliability on high displacement engine applications, a single SP1550-200 out performs the dual-pump strategies of the competition, saving on space, weight and installation time.

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